Storage Depot
Description: The Storage Depot is the place where the player can define how many Kg of each resource can be stored. The production will stop if the limit is reached. Each upgrade of the Storage Depot increases the amount of Kg that can be stored on the settlement.
Research: N/A

Building the Storage Depot level 1, takes 2 minutes, 12 seconds and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
1 Iron: 240
1 Titanium: 120
1 Silver: 80

Building the Storage Depot level 2, takes 3 minutes, 24 seconds and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
2 Iron: 330
2 Titanium: 165
2 Silver: 110

Building the Storage Depot level 3, takes 4 minutes, 36 seconds and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
3 Iron: 420
3 Titanium: 210
3 Silver: 140

Building the Storage Depot level 4, takes 5 minutes, 48 seconds and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
4 Iron: 510
4 Titanium: 255
4 Silver: 170

Building the Storage Depot level 5, takes 7 minutes and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
5 Iron: 600
5 Titanium: 300
5 Silver: 200

Building the Storage Depot level 6, takes 8 minutes, 12 seconds and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
6 Iron: 690
6 Titanium: 345
6 Silver: 230

Building the Storage Depot level 7, takes 9 minutes, 24 seconds and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
7 Iron: 780
7 Titanium: 390
7 Silver: 260

Building the Storage Depot level 8, takes 10 minutes, 36 seconds and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
8 Iron: 870
8 Titanium: 435
8 Silver: 290

Building the Storage Depot level 9, takes 11 minutes, 48 seconds and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
9 Iron: 960
9 Titanium: 480
9 Silver: 320

Building the Storage Depot level 10, takes 13 minutes and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
10 Iron: 1050
10 Titanium: 525
10 Silver: 350

Building the Storage Depot level 11, takes 14 minutes, 12 seconds and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
11 Iron: 1140
11 Titanium: 570
11 Silver: 380

Building the Storage Depot level 12, takes 15 minutes, 24 seconds and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
12 Iron: 1230
12 Titanium: 615
12 Silver: 410

Building the Storage Depot level 13, takes 16 minutes, 36 seconds and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
13 Iron: 1320
13 Titanium: 660
13 Silver: 440

Building the Storage Depot level 14, takes 17 minutes, 48 seconds and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
14 Iron: 1410
14 Titanium: 705
14 Silver: 470

Building the Storage Depot level 15, takes 19 minutes and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
15 Iron: 1500
15 Titanium: 750
15 Silver: 500

Building the Storage Depot level 16, takes 20 minutes, 12 seconds and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
16 Iron: 1590
16 Titanium: 795
16 Silver: 530

Building the Storage Depot level 17, takes 21 minutes, 24 seconds and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
17 Iron: 1680
17 Titanium: 840
17 Silver: 560

Building the Storage Depot level 18, takes 22 minutes, 36 seconds and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
18 Iron: 1770
18 Titanium: 885
18 Silver: 590

Building the Storage Depot level 19, takes 23 minutes, 48 seconds and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
19 Iron: 1860
19 Titanium: 930
19 Silver: 620

Building the Storage Depot level 20, takes 25 minutes and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
20 Iron: 1950
20 Titanium: 975
20 Silver: 650

Building the Storage Depot level 21, takes 26 minutes, 12 seconds and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
21 Iron: 2040
21 Titanium: 1020
21 Silver: 680

Building the Storage Depot level 22, takes 27 minutes, 24 seconds and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
22 Iron: 2130
22 Titanium: 1065
22 Silver: 710

Building the Storage Depot level 23, takes 28 minutes, 36 seconds and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
23 Iron: 2220
23 Titanium: 1110
23 Silver: 740

Building the Storage Depot level 24, takes 29 minutes, 48 seconds and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
24 Iron: 2310
24 Titanium: 1155
24 Silver: 770

Building the Storage Depot level 25, takes 31 minutes and costs:

Level Resource Quantity
25 Iron: 2400
25 Titanium: 1200
25 Silver: 800